Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Barry on Ice

Barry Craig in the Blue Lagoon

I wanted to wait a while before sharing my thoughts on how my time with the group in Iceland has changed me as a person and my life in general. I needed to run through my daily routines with work, family and friends before I could be clear on the positive effects of the training for me. It's been 12 days now since I got back and I have had time to face the daily routines. I've taken time to reflect on the differences in myself both before and after my Iceland experience......

The first thing I want to share is how much I miss the group and the time we spent together in Iceland. It was a truly amazing experience for me and I have fond memories of Iceland and all my new found friends. Now that I'm back I see the positive benefits of the training taking effect in my everyday life. I acknowledge I still have much work to do and many things I want to change about myself. My time in Iceland has given me the tools I needed to deal with the past, understand why, and focus on the future. I'm at the start of my journey and I know many challenges are ahead, but as Peter said to me, "how safe could a puffin with a suitcase be?" This is the path I want to follow and looking forward to where it may lead...

I went to Iceland to find my peace. I found it and so much more....

Love to you all,


Blue Lagoon Music

I picked up one of the music CDs from the Blue Lagoon shop and it is so amazing, I need to recommend it to you.

It perfectly transmits the energy of the blue lagoon - listening to it is like being in the water again.

'Healing' (the disc I bought) is part of a 3 disc collection, put together by Icelandic spa music guru Fridrik Karlsson (himself not just an accomplished musician, having worked with the likes of Madonna, Maria Carey, Jose Carreras, but also trained in many personal development modalities including Huna, Reiki, NLP) €15 (and well worth it)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012



ICELAND QUEST 2012...the video

Immortal Ray Films™

Babaji & Friends Productions™

Monday, July 30, 2012


Pille Tali at the Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland



In Iceland the earth feels like nowhere else. I laid on my back on the beach of black volcanic sand. There was deep warmth that radiated out from the core of earth. I really felt the energy of Mother Earth stronger then ever. It's hard to describe, but it is like with roses, most of them in the store don’t smell at all. It's like I see earth elsewhere: you can see it, touch it, feel it at a certain level. Then there is this wild rose, one single blossom  which fills the entire surrounding with rich scent. That is the earth in Iceland. You feel it boiling under your feet. 

Standing there, in the middle of lava fields, it is so easy to find your centre, your inner strength, to feel absolutely grounded, to dive into the deepest processes of rebirthing one could ever imagine.

It has been a year for me since attending the Iceland Quest LBI II. I was so deeply impressed by the outcome from the breathing processes that I thought that there should be a rebirther working in the Blue Lagoon water on daily bases. In my mind I even considered to be that person. Just for the service of humanity, everybody should have the opportunity to have the rebirthing process in that strong, strong Mother Earth's energy, in thermal waters, like Divine Mother's womb, where the most existential errors can be corrected and eternal happiness found. All that in ease, effortlessly, cause with the grace of the Divine, your Divine plan can manifest and that is nothing but bliss.

A year later it all seams so natural, all that happened in the Blue Lagoon and in Iceland a year ago.

But it was then, when the Divine Mother touched me and gave me a vision about my future. It was a week where a lot of light got integrated into me, the light that made it possible to proceed in my holy bath, the way it has folded out for me.

The water of Blue Lagoon healed many essential things in me, making room for more light, making me ready to start A Course in Miracles, making me ready to receive beautiful blessings and to become a teacher of the things I have learned. I feel deep gratitude towards Sondra and Mark who show the way to the Divine in me and in so many others. It is a blessing to learn from the teachers who walk their talk and talk about the truth.


Pille from Estonia

Sunday, July 29, 2012




Iceland Quest...(Trailer)....

The Full Version Has Arrived!...... 

To Watch


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Maja Beric from Serbia, Sondra and Jacqui Storm form England.... in Iceland

"I breathed on the thought that 'all people are divine.'"

Although our LBI II in Iceland ended  a week ago, I am still trying to understand the experience. What happened there was powerful at many levels, because every day I felt I could go deeper and deeper. I arrived in Iceland quite tired and worried because of stomach pains I had had for months. On the second day I was breathing the pain out during the session, and Sondra helped me understand the pain was a negative thought stuck in my body. Amazingly simple, right? 

The day after I was paired up with  a man from Australia who had a similar problem, just talking to him about it helped the healing process. Afterwards I had one of the most beautiful rebirths in my life. After breathing on the thought "I am divine" for a while, my whole body straightened. I was floating on the water effortlessly. It felt as if my whole body had spread all over the Blue Lagoon covering everyone and being fully present but very light. It was such an intense experience and lasted for a while after the session finished. I felt infinitely powerful as a human being. And blissful as well.

The next day  I breathed on the thought that "all people are divine". That thought was the safest possible  frame of mind one could have.  In my mind's eye there was an image of different people with all their negativity, patterns, pain coming out, actually pouring out. But, behind each of them I was able to see glorious light, their true nature. It had always been there no matter what they were going through at the moment. The image will stay with me as a reminder of what we are. It is also our goal to come back to light through breathing.

What struck me was the way I received messages I needed through different people in the group. Either Sondra and Mark paired me up with them or we 'accidentally' ended up talking about things I wanted to clear up. One way or the other miracles happened every day:-)

In the end, I hope people will soon start living their lives in small communities where they would feel safe to share their experiences and heal each other. After Iceland this idea does not seem so far-fetched  any more.
