Tuesday, July 31, 2012



ICELAND QUEST 2012...the video

Immortal Ray Films™

Babaji & Friends Productions™

Monday, July 30, 2012


Pille Tali at the Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland



In Iceland the earth feels like nowhere else. I laid on my back on the beach of black volcanic sand. There was deep warmth that radiated out from the core of earth. I really felt the energy of Mother Earth stronger then ever. It's hard to describe, but it is like with roses, most of them in the store don’t smell at all. It's like I see earth elsewhere: you can see it, touch it, feel it at a certain level. Then there is this wild rose, one single blossom  which fills the entire surrounding with rich scent. That is the earth in Iceland. You feel it boiling under your feet. 

Standing there, in the middle of lava fields, it is so easy to find your centre, your inner strength, to feel absolutely grounded, to dive into the deepest processes of rebirthing one could ever imagine.

It has been a year for me since attending the Iceland Quest LBI II. I was so deeply impressed by the outcome from the breathing processes that I thought that there should be a rebirther working in the Blue Lagoon water on daily bases. In my mind I even considered to be that person. Just for the service of humanity, everybody should have the opportunity to have the rebirthing process in that strong, strong Mother Earth's energy, in thermal waters, like Divine Mother's womb, where the most existential errors can be corrected and eternal happiness found. All that in ease, effortlessly, cause with the grace of the Divine, your Divine plan can manifest and that is nothing but bliss.

A year later it all seams so natural, all that happened in the Blue Lagoon and in Iceland a year ago.

But it was then, when the Divine Mother touched me and gave me a vision about my future. It was a week where a lot of light got integrated into me, the light that made it possible to proceed in my holy bath, the way it has folded out for me.

The water of Blue Lagoon healed many essential things in me, making room for more light, making me ready to start A Course in Miracles, making me ready to receive beautiful blessings and to become a teacher of the things I have learned. I feel deep gratitude towards Sondra and Mark who show the way to the Divine in me and in so many others. It is a blessing to learn from the teachers who walk their talk and talk about the truth.


Pille from Estonia

Sunday, July 29, 2012




Iceland Quest...(Trailer)....

The Full Version Has Arrived!...... 

To Watch


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Maja Beric from Serbia, Sondra and Jacqui Storm form England.... in Iceland

"I breathed on the thought that 'all people are divine.'"

Although our LBI II in Iceland ended  a week ago, I am still trying to understand the experience. What happened there was powerful at many levels, because every day I felt I could go deeper and deeper. I arrived in Iceland quite tired and worried because of stomach pains I had had for months. On the second day I was breathing the pain out during the session, and Sondra helped me understand the pain was a negative thought stuck in my body. Amazingly simple, right? 

The day after I was paired up with  a man from Australia who had a similar problem, just talking to him about it helped the healing process. Afterwards I had one of the most beautiful rebirths in my life. After breathing on the thought "I am divine" for a while, my whole body straightened. I was floating on the water effortlessly. It felt as if my whole body had spread all over the Blue Lagoon covering everyone and being fully present but very light. It was such an intense experience and lasted for a while after the session finished. I felt infinitely powerful as a human being. And blissful as well.

The next day  I breathed on the thought that "all people are divine". That thought was the safest possible  frame of mind one could have.  In my mind's eye there was an image of different people with all their negativity, patterns, pain coming out, actually pouring out. But, behind each of them I was able to see glorious light, their true nature. It had always been there no matter what they were going through at the moment. The image will stay with me as a reminder of what we are. It is also our goal to come back to light through breathing.

What struck me was the way I received messages I needed through different people in the group. Either Sondra and Mark paired me up with them or we 'accidentally' ended up talking about things I wanted to clear up. One way or the other miracles happened every day:-)

In the end, I hope people will soon start living their lives in small communities where they would feel safe to share their experiences and heal each other. After Iceland this idea does not seem so far-fetched  any more.


Monday, July 23, 2012

English Twin Flames

Peter, Debra and Sondra in Iceland

English Twin Flames

Our gratitude goes to Peter and Debra Van Minnen of England for attending the Iceland Quest LBI II. Peter, an artist and energetic healer of horses, with Debra, an accomplished hypnotherapist and past life reader, come together in one of the most balanced relationships we have seen in all of our travels. These English "Twin Flames" were very much present in the training, and also made themselves available "after hours" to help the participants and us get clear on some past and present life issues that were coming up for releasing. Though skeptics may scoff at such "clearings".....the proof in the pudding, English pudding in this case, was apparent when Debra and Peter took up the torch in sessions with us..... undoubtedly we felt lighter and clearer after working with them. They have insight, and an ability to go to the core of a memory or a problem that is causing interference...and through the integrity of their presence alone, help a person release it.  We hope to keep this bond going in our work in England and around the world.

THANK YOU....Peter and Debra...for just being so relaxed as yourselves.   


Peter in a relaxed moment at the Blue Lagoon

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Waters of the Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon Waters and Lava Rocks

Waters of the Blue Lagoon

One's first reaction to the waters of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland is, "WOW!" They are so pristine and pure, so cleansing and healing, you understand why people come from all over the world just to be here in this bathing Valhalla. The fact that it is an ancient Viking location adds to the romance....and the staff at the Blue Lagoon, blonde haired and blue eyed, seem like reincarnations of an ancient Nordic Tribe. They are so helpful and bright, like the waters, and they have service down to the "T". 

One cannot forget the experience, and we are guided to take a group here every year to do Liberation Breathing in the pools of the Blue Lagoon. Next year's Iceland Quest will be July 18-24, 2013. Hope you can join us.     





Saturday, July 21, 2012

Divine Mother Power

The Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

Divine Mother Power

by Mark Sullivan

Divine Mother of the elements, the small waters and the large waters,
the droplets and the love raging torrents of massive falls,
Oh Gullfoss, in the stark plains of Icelandic emptiness, You pass
over mossy rock cliffs to the chasms below, taking my heart
to places unknown, exhilarated to be touched by Your mist.

Divine Mother Power, rock my world with these massive
flows of water that wash away any doubt I had of Your Love.
I am again at Your feet in awe of the beauty you lay before me,
of the sheer force of Nature that You created to fill my universe
with sights and sounds of complete appreciation.

I place myself on this Northern Island of Yours, near the arctic
circles that play out so coldly on the terrain of volcanoes and mountains,
fields of hardened lava and jagged stones of frozen fiery magma
strewn across fields as far as the eye can see, there amidst lagoons
of thermal springs to cleanse me of my past, of all short of full delight.

These falls of Gullfoss, would You wash over me with your Power
and test my sovereignty, so then would I accept Your torrential
action as my own, and be amidst certainty that my real energy
is everlasting and sure, flowing continually toward my surrendered
fall, onward over cliffs of stalwart rock and flint formations.

Let me go on like this in my own Power, like a determined spring 
that comes forth from  depths of darkened places deep below, flowing
under glaciers and ice caps, collecting speed and force
around hills and at the feet of mountains, gathering momentum
to be finally at the mercy our Your final fall of freedom.

Insights from Cookie Ahman

Sondra Ray with Stefano Benco of Spain and Cookie Ahman from Sweden, who lives in Bali.




Cookie Ahmen

Some clear insights came to me while breathing in the waters of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland with Sondra Ray and the other participants of the Iceland Quest. I felt a divine Energy surging through me from the water and my own breath.....a strong tingling in the arms and hands like they were bursting. It was as if I became an "amplifier" for divine Energy, really cleansing Energy. It's one thing to think it, another to really KNOW it, FEEL it. 

This Energy comes strongly from the water, rising up from the core  of the planet... we amplify it and can send it out again through the water to all of the planet. It's connected. Water from here can reach anywhere.. Energy, like money, needs to flow. Blocked it does not work. I could feel myself being a channel of this Energy...and a deep desire to give it out in a form needed to each person or situation.

In the water I felt like I was in the hands of a Female Goddess. This day really was the Become One with Christ day. What sticks out from this session is this vision of an outline of a man with a great light behind him coming closer and closer. Finally the face of Christ comes all the way up and into my own head. We are merging. All very very good feeling. Suddenly the face starts to pull away to the left and I go, "no, no don't leave." 

Instead a tiny, tiny light comes from deep inside myself and slowly appears, growing bigger and bigger replacing the Christ. This light really feels like ancient, from the very the start, God's seed, my Divine Source kind of light. A tiny speck that keeps growing bigger and bigger. God The Father inside. I get the feeling, "OK great! love it but enough for today.. Let's clear the rest tomorrow to really have that light fill my entire being."   It really felt like I needed a break and take it slow.

On another day I started my process of "waking up, rejoining the rest of the world" by doing my personal affirmations. One of them was, "My success empowers others". In this thought is a picture I have of unlimited divine love being funneled by us into the world at whatever levels we choose to act. The wider the funnel the more love going through. We can also choose to block that funnel through various dramas. My goal is to be as wide as possible, obviously.

Suddenly, very abruptly,  I had a vision in the water of this: instead of seeing divine love coming through from God I see little little "God seeds" in the form of our children coming from Him into humanity. It's how God rejuvenates the world and recycles his Love into the human existence. Instantly, I saw the troubling fate of these God seed children.  How we greet them with dogma, cultural conditioning, schools, abuse, wars and strife. We "kill" God by how we treat our Children. 

That was the feeling. It was Instant, very powerful and I was overwhelmed to the point that I screamed and cried under water, got my lungs filled and I almost physically drowned.  Just like that, from One second to the next. Bang. From peaceful bliss to almost drowning.  All by just one picture and the feeling connected to it. 

Hard to fully describe but it touched me deeply. We need to pay Way more attention to how we treat our children. We should see them as truly messengers from God whom we have a lot to learn from when it comes to faith, love & living. They truly are full of Life. And what does that mean? Full of Life? I had to express and share this whole experience instantly with two other people so I would not forget. Without them, our kids, to remind us of the nature of our Source, Love, our world would very much quicker spiral into something much more destructive than it currently is.

On another day I was in the water with a lady who carried a lot of guilt from past lives with men....manifesting in the form of severe headaches. So we worked on forgiveness, and for me it also became a insight into roles of male/female energies. At her session I could feel her handing back that male destructive energy. Back to me, a male. (I openly accepted, and later in the day ended up with my own headache which quickly dissolved after rest and more breathing. All good.) She needed God's forgiveness and she needed her own forgiveness to move on. She needed to know everything that ever happened was all in God's will. Forgive, Release and let it all Go. It can all be done in an instant. It's your choice. 

Flying High by Vanessa

Flying High in the Blue Lagoon

In the milky waters of the Blue Lagoon,
I surrender my pains and fears to the ebb and flow of the breath.
A breath that softly, lovingly sweeps through my being,
Gently guiding me to the edge.
Ahead lies the abyss of the unknown,
The infinite depths of my soul.
Calling on the protection and grace of the Divine Mother,
I close my eyes and leap forward:
When I open them again, I notice that instead of falling,
I am flying.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sondra Ray on Iceland

The Blue Lagoon in Iceland



and the 

Liberation Breathing Intensive

We have just had the good fortune to be in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland with our group (21 in total).  We came ourselves for nine days. Five of these days we spent hours and hours wet rebirthing in the Blue Lagoon for our Liberation Breathing® Training.
I can not say enough about this magnificent experience, and the highlight for me was to watch how much change and movement people made from the day they showed up to the day they left. People say true change is really hard and people rarely really change. So naturally as a spiritual teacher, I am more than excited to see it happen before my very eyes.
I came to the Blue Lagoon orginally about 25 years ago with Don McFarland (founder of Body Harmony).  We came together as an experiment, as I had heard that a man who had psoriasis for many years and could not heal himself, went and stuck his arm in the Blue Lagoon and was healed. So I became determined to go there. Don and I took a group and we were all totally blown away by the power of Iceland and the results we saw among the students. I could not stop thinking about it and so when Mark and I got married I started telling him how much I wanted him to experience Iceland and the Blue Lagoon.
Last year we brought a small group, mostly from Sweden. Everyone got as excited as I was and Mark was absolutely stunned with it all. So we decided to make it an annual event called the ICELAND QUEST: Liberation Training. This year people came from as far as Chile. People came from the US. People came from Australia. People came from Estonia, People came from Serbia. People came from England. People came from the Bahamas. People came from Bali. People came from Denmark. People came from Spain. People came from alot of places. It was truly international.
Not only did people go very very deep in their own healing process, they also learned how to do a Liberation Breathing® session on one another. So every person had a new partner each day so they could practice rebirthing someone else. They found it equally powerful to be the facilitator and many committed to become LIberation Breathing ®practitioners.
In the summer it stays light nearly to midnight, so one can imagine what it must be like in the winter when it is dark most of the time except for three hours. Then you see the Northern Lights which must be amazing as we saw many photos of them around The Northern Light Inn where we stayed.  The Icelandic people were so special to us. They were incredibly attractive, kind and helpful; being of course very strong people, also very clairvoyant.  It was healing just to be around them
Naturally we took a day trip excursion to the Waterfalls and saw the expansiveness of Iceland itself. But as I am writing this on the plane, the man next to me (from NY) is showing me the photos on his MAC computer that he took on the glacier when he went dog sledding. It is really spectacular, so that would be something we should surely do next year. It was nice to hear so many people say they got way more than they expected from the Iceland Quest of 2012. Our hearts are immensely grateful for them and their transformations.    

Sondra at the Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

The Turquoise Waters of the Blue Lagoon

The Turquoise Waters

of the 

Blue Lagoon

by Mark Sullivan

One is struck immediately by the beauty of the turquoise waters of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Contrasted next to the sharp black volcanic rock surrounding the area, the combination is unlike any other natural thermal spring in the world. Just for this one stop, Iceland is well worth a visit to this Nordic land.....I call it a "Nordic Hawaii".  Active volcanoes are next to massive glaciers....fire and ice...are the principle elements in this unusual environment.

During the summer months the sun barely sets....for a couple hours between midnight and 3 AM...the rest of the time it is bright and warm, pleasantly warm. In the thermal waters of the Blue Lagoon one is washed clean by the minerals and purity of the springs. Nothing is added or taken away...as the waters come up from the volcanic action happening deep below. At 250 degrees Celsius, obviously the water has to cool down for humans to enter the pools.....which is done nearby in a local power plant that harnesses the heat and then sends the cooler water out to the Blue Lagoon area for the Spa's usage.

Everyone came to the Blue Lagoon with high expectations. One participant said on the first day, "If nothing more was given than this first experience of the Blue Lagoon, I would feel like I totally got my money's worth."  C.A. from Bali.  We continued on there for five days in the turquoise waters.


Here are two pages from my recent manuscript, "Poems to My Masters".



"This beauty of the black rock and mineral thick water of the Blue Lagoon brings my mind to stillness. Nowhere on earth do these elements combine in such a way, and I am held in the awe of Your creation.  This land of ice and fire, of glaciers and volcanoes, of Vikings and Norsemen, of modern excursions into the wildness of nature divine, all draw me to this meeting with my Self, the still and silent place within that emanates into the very core of this Icelandic diorama. Happy is my heart to be in the wonders of Your diversity.  The sharp cutting edges of lava stones pile up in mounds and small hills; meandering through the formations is the aqua milky liquid of thermal springs providing such a remarkable bath of turquoise blue.  O Mother of all natural beauty, You are my Master of Love, my Source of utmost Joy. Be You ever present in my awareness. Be you ever at the crest of my life and guide my actions in the service of Your divine Life. You are the Love beyond all loves, the infinite dynamo of galaxies and universes.  You are the Northern Light of my soul that brings me here to this vision of perfection."


We invite you to the ICELAND QUEST 2013....July 18-24, 2013...to experience for yourself this magical land and Liberation Breathing in the Blue Lagoon. 


Go to www.liberationbreathing.com for details.

Liberation Breathing® In the Blue Lagoon



in the 

Blue Lagoon

We send a warm THANK YOU! to the participants of the Iceland Liberation Breathing Intensive II that just completed July 18th, 2012. It was for  us a very moving time to be in Iceland with you, breathing in the waters of the Blue Lagoon, perhaps one of the world's best settings for this work. The thermal waters of the Blue Lagoon are truly life enhancing and make the process of Liberation Breathing from the Divine Mother very fun and easy.

All in all we spent five days in the waters rebirthing each other, and the results were very touching to all of us there.....please stay tuned for our video on the event.

With much LOVE to the participants,