Saturday, July 21, 2012

Insights from Cookie Ahman

Sondra Ray with Stefano Benco of Spain and Cookie Ahman from Sweden, who lives in Bali.




Cookie Ahmen

Some clear insights came to me while breathing in the waters of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland with Sondra Ray and the other participants of the Iceland Quest. I felt a divine Energy surging through me from the water and my own breath.....a strong tingling in the arms and hands like they were bursting. It was as if I became an "amplifier" for divine Energy, really cleansing Energy. It's one thing to think it, another to really KNOW it, FEEL it. 

This Energy comes strongly from the water, rising up from the core  of the planet... we amplify it and can send it out again through the water to all of the planet. It's connected. Water from here can reach anywhere.. Energy, like money, needs to flow. Blocked it does not work. I could feel myself being a channel of this Energy...and a deep desire to give it out in a form needed to each person or situation.

In the water I felt like I was in the hands of a Female Goddess. This day really was the Become One with Christ day. What sticks out from this session is this vision of an outline of a man with a great light behind him coming closer and closer. Finally the face of Christ comes all the way up and into my own head. We are merging. All very very good feeling. Suddenly the face starts to pull away to the left and I go, "no, no don't leave." 

Instead a tiny, tiny light comes from deep inside myself and slowly appears, growing bigger and bigger replacing the Christ. This light really feels like ancient, from the very the start, God's seed, my Divine Source kind of light. A tiny speck that keeps growing bigger and bigger. God The Father inside. I get the feeling, "OK great! love it but enough for today.. Let's clear the rest tomorrow to really have that light fill my entire being."   It really felt like I needed a break and take it slow.

On another day I started my process of "waking up, rejoining the rest of the world" by doing my personal affirmations. One of them was, "My success empowers others". In this thought is a picture I have of unlimited divine love being funneled by us into the world at whatever levels we choose to act. The wider the funnel the more love going through. We can also choose to block that funnel through various dramas. My goal is to be as wide as possible, obviously.

Suddenly, very abruptly,  I had a vision in the water of this: instead of seeing divine love coming through from God I see little little "God seeds" in the form of our children coming from Him into humanity. It's how God rejuvenates the world and recycles his Love into the human existence. Instantly, I saw the troubling fate of these God seed children.  How we greet them with dogma, cultural conditioning, schools, abuse, wars and strife. We "kill" God by how we treat our Children. 

That was the feeling. It was Instant, very powerful and I was overwhelmed to the point that I screamed and cried under water, got my lungs filled and I almost physically drowned.  Just like that, from One second to the next. Bang. From peaceful bliss to almost drowning.  All by just one picture and the feeling connected to it. 

Hard to fully describe but it touched me deeply. We need to pay Way more attention to how we treat our children. We should see them as truly messengers from God whom we have a lot to learn from when it comes to faith, love & living. They truly are full of Life. And what does that mean? Full of Life? I had to express and share this whole experience instantly with two other people so I would not forget. Without them, our kids, to remind us of the nature of our Source, Love, our world would very much quicker spiral into something much more destructive than it currently is.

On another day I was in the water with a lady who carried a lot of guilt from past lives with men....manifesting in the form of severe headaches. So we worked on forgiveness, and for me it also became a insight into roles of male/female energies. At her session I could feel her handing back that male destructive energy. Back to me, a male. (I openly accepted, and later in the day ended up with my own headache which quickly dissolved after rest and more breathing. All good.) She needed God's forgiveness and she needed her own forgiveness to move on. She needed to know everything that ever happened was all in God's will. Forgive, Release and let it all Go. It can all be done in an instant. It's your choice. 

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